R.M. Rhodes

Tangents by Migelanxo Prado

I want to say that I found my copy of Migelanxo Prado’s Tangents in a second hand shop somewhere, but it is equally likely that I purchased it from a vendor at a club or directly from the NBM table at Small Press Expo. Either way, I do know that my copy came with a…Read more

Watch for patterns

For some reason, I’ve always seen post-modernism, slipstream and metafiction as different facets of a single premise. There’s also a distinct Dadaist/collage thing going on there, too. An echo of the “modernism” bit, perhaps? Warren Ellis once described Iain banks as being a man “who writes across genre boundaries as if they did not exist.”…Read more

On audience

Several months ago, I was asked “what is your audience?” and I didn’t have a ready answer. The other day, I was asked “what are you trying to tell your audience [with your cover design]?” which I felt begged the question of what my audience is. Again. This time, I had my marketing specialist at…Read more